VDI Technologies Introduces Real-Time VDI DeepView for Research
VDI Technologies Introduces Real-Time VDI DeepView for Research
The VDI DeepView software is designed for real-time post-processing and analysis of UHF-ECG data measured by the VDI UHF-ECG Mapping system, which features an extended electrode setup developed by VDI Technologies. This software module provides advanced results for mapping the heart's electrical activity in configurations of up to 19-lead ECG.

The stand-alone VDI DeepView module processes pre-analyzed data from the real-time VDI Vision software. It significantly speeds up post-processing, completing analyses in as little as 2 seconds and no more than 5 seconds for 10-minute recordings. Using VDI DeepView is straightforward, with all computations performed automatically immediately after the recording is completed.

The software provides users with unique, enhanced activation maps and an expanded set of parameters for accurately describing the spatial electrical activation of the ventricles. VDI DeepView utilizes patented broadband ECG technology and combines multiple frequency bands to improve the identification of interventricular and left-intraventricular synchrony.

VDI DeepView was developed with support from the TAČR TREND project FW03010434, VDI UHF-ECG Mapping, funded by the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic. Project partners include the International Clinical Research Center at St. Anne's University Hospital in Brno, Czech Republic; the Third Faculty of Medicine at Charles University; University Hospital Kralovske Vinohrady in Prague, Czech Republic; Cardion; and VDI Technologies.